Friday, September 5, 2008

It Goes Deeper

After my previous post, I spent some more time in the Word and praying to my Father about the "root" of my disease. As I begin to do the hard work of letting the Lord show me how to get to the bottom of this, He has given me another focus of where to do some major reconstruction. It' s time to work...Hard Work. Yes, I struggle with perfectionism and control. But Why? The temporary and non-lasting solution would be to just look at the symptoms. I'm so tired of replacing the band-aid over and over again, I have to find the bug that created it.

The Lord has shown me at least one major lie that has been planted directly in my life by the enemy. And it has to go! I wish it was a one time thing...that I could just say, "Here Jesus, it's yours and not mine." I believe it is going to be a long process. It's going to take ACTION that I must do daily...better yet, each time one of Satan's lies enter my thoughts.

It's amazing the things we can begin to believe about ourselves...Lies that we have placed as truth. You can be raised in a Christian home. You can know all the right answers. But if Satan can find a weakness, he's going to use it. I can do my best to convince myself of the truth. But, I can't do it on my own efforts. That's why I have a Savior. And I'm glad He reminded me of that this week. The Word must be hidden in my heart. And I must be equipped for battle. The enemy lurks. And he seeks to destroy.

Jesus, I am ready to dig deep and reveal even more lies that must be destroyed. I don't know what it is going to look like, but I'm willing to take a peek. Give me strength through the tough times. I know it won't always be pretty. Equip and train me Father to be ready for whatever comes my way. My hope is in You!




Kelly said...

Thanks for the reminders always!! I am such a control freak!! The Lord showed me in many ways that I wasn't in control during this last pregnancy! I learned a lot not just asking for his will and help, but actually giving it to him!! Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

God has really been dealing with me along the same lines. Over and over I hear -"Stop picking these things back up" I have a major issue in my life that I have to lay down daily - sometimes by the minute!! I wish I would leave it there and give it up. I really think I sometimes harbor this particular thing as my right - my reward for things done to me. This has been a week of God reminding me that he is control and well able to be in control!!

Brandi said...

Amen, Amen, sweet friend. I love the reminder that the lie is replaced with action and belief together . . asking Jesus to speak truth and then choosing to believe it and live it. Also, you reminded yourself that the WORD is so important. I'm praying that He directs you to just the perfect scriptures and helps you memorize them this week. Praying that you find good time with Him to really get into it and that He speaks loudly and clearly with the gentleness of the Father.

Love you and love your vulnerability,